DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201701627
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Light‐Driven Hydrogen Evolution by Nickel‐Substituted Rubredoxin

Abstract: An enzymatic system for light-driven hydrogen generation has been developed throughc ovalent attachment of ar uthenium chromophore to nickel-substituted rubredoxin (NiRd).The photoinduceda ctivity of the hybrid enzymei ss ignificantly greater than that of at wo-component system and is strongly dependent on the positiono ft he ruthenium phototriggerr elative to the active site, indicating ar ole for intramolecular electron transfer in catalysis. Steady-state and time-resolved emission spectra reveal ap athway f… Show more

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Cited by 14 publications
(30 citation statements)
References 45 publications
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“…28 Our group has expanded this characterization of NiRd activity using solution-phase, lightdriven, spectroscopic, and electrochemical measurements. 22,29,30 NiRd displays a moderate electrocatalytic overpotential of approximately 550 mV, which is similar to those seen for many first-generation small-molecule and recent protein-derived catalytic systems operating in purely aqueous solution, 31−38 and exhibits estimated electrocatalytic rates that are similar to those of the native enzymes. 22,30 As such, NiRd shows great potential as an artificial hydrogenase, as it is easily expressed, oxygen tolerant, chemically and thermally stable, and highly tunable for catalyst optimization.…”
Section: ■ Introductionsupporting
confidence: 61%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…28 Our group has expanded this characterization of NiRd activity using solution-phase, lightdriven, spectroscopic, and electrochemical measurements. 22,29,30 NiRd displays a moderate electrocatalytic overpotential of approximately 550 mV, which is similar to those seen for many first-generation small-molecule and recent protein-derived catalytic systems operating in purely aqueous solution, 31−38 and exhibits estimated electrocatalytic rates that are similar to those of the native enzymes. 22,30 As such, NiRd shows great potential as an artificial hydrogenase, as it is easily expressed, oxygen tolerant, chemically and thermally stable, and highly tunable for catalyst optimization.…”
Section: ■ Introductionsupporting
confidence: 61%
“…22,29,30 NiRd displays a moderate electrocatalytic overpotential of approximately 550 mV, which is similar to those seen for many first-generation small-molecule and recent protein-derived catalytic systems operating in purely aqueous solution, 31−38 and exhibits estimated electrocatalytic rates that are similar to those of the native enzymes. 22,30 As such, NiRd shows great potential as an artificial hydrogenase, as it is easily expressed, oxygen tolerant, chemically and thermally stable, and highly tunable for catalyst optimization. 22 Further, the NiRd model system provides an opportunity to assess the specific contributions of the [Fe(CO)(CN) 2 ] fragment to activity in the native [NiFe] hydrogenases.…”
Section: ■ Introductionsupporting
confidence: 61%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…Subsequently, photocatalytic H 2 evolution was studied (Figure ) by covalent attachment of a free Cys (Cys31) near the metal binding site using a ruthenium‐based chromophore [Ru II (2,2′‐bipyridine) 2 (5,6‐epoxy‐5,6‐dihydro‐[1,10]‐phenanthroline)] 2+ . The hybrid RuNiRd protein produced ≈110 nmol H 2 within 45 min corresponding to a TON of 3.5 and TOF of ≈0.1 min −1 .…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Although most hydrogenase mimicry has focused on the diiron hydrogenase, one of the earliest systems was based on the [NiFe] hydrogenase [155][156][157][158][159][160][161]. Substitution of Ni in rubredoxin yields a catalyst, Ni-Rd, with a tetrathiolate active site mimicking the primary coordination sphere of the Ni site in [NiFe] hydrogenase [155,161].…”
Section: Figmentioning
confidence: 99%