Surface stabilized (anti) ferroelectric liquid crystal cells can be used as an optically addressed media for optical data processing. The structure of the cell has to contain a photo sensible agent, i.e., an absorbing dye-doped orienting layer. The all-optical generation of the diffractive grating can be done due to the switching parameters of the smectic slab within cells with a sensitive layer. This Letter considers a study of the optically induced charge generation into the dye-doped layer, and the explanation of the phenomena of the selective molecular director reorientation, while cell driving what leads to the induction of phase grating.OCIS codes: 230.3720, 160.3710, 090.2890, 190.4400. doi: 10.3788/COL201614.102302.The mechanisms of the switching of the surface stabilized antiferroelectric liquid crystal (SSAFLC) structure [1] and surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal (SSFLC) structure [2] driven by an optically induced effective electric field E eff were discussed before. In Refs. [1,2], the photoand electro-optical properties of the synclinic SmC Ã and anticlinic SmC Ã A structures were examined and presented. Various operating modes of studied structures have been shown and described already. In this Letter, the mechanism of the optically driven switching of the smectic surface stabilized structure is proposed and discussed in reference to the optical addressing of the cells.Opposite to the SSAFLC, which exhibits three-state switching, the SSFLC can adopt only two optical states, see Fig. 1 [3]. In Fig. 1(a), the assumed initial state of the SSFLC structure is shown. This state is induced by anchoring of the molecular director ⃗n of the synclinic layered smectic structure on the surface of the orienting. The SSFLC structure remains stable at this state without any external field (in this case electric) [4][5][6][7][8] . In general, the SSFLC structure is optically positive and uniaxial with an effective optical axis collinear with the molecular director ⃗n (with the extraordinary refractive index n e associated) at the angle θ (tilt) off the normal smectic layer (given by the versor ⃗ k), which is simultaneously parallel to the boundary planes. When the SSFLC structure is affected by an electric field ⃗ E (where ⃗ E is perpendicular to the plane defined by the versors ⃗n and ⃗ k) with the value overcoming a material specific threshold level E > E th , the director ⃗n switches to the other state, where again ⃗ E is perpendicular to the plane defined by the versors ⃗n and ⃗ k ( Fig. 1(b)). The movement of the director ⃗n is initialized by the interaction of the electric field ⃗ E with the spontaneous polarization P s ! via forceThe inverse switch can be done by the electric field applied to the value of − ⃗ E of the magnitude −E < −E th . Such an in-plane switching of the optical axis accompanied with the memory effect can be widely utilized in display and photonic applications. One of these is the preparation of switchable diffractive optical elements.Although the standard applications of SSF...