Plasmonic metasurfaces exhibit localized
electromagnetic properties
that are highly relevant for light management in thin-film organic
optoelectronic devices, such as organic light-emitting diodes and
organic solar cells. However, the effectiveness of metasurfaces for
light management in these devices is complicated by molecular orientation
effects. Here, we study how the fluorescence emission from organic
semiconducting polymers is modified by aperiodic porous metasurfaces.
In particular, we identify the role that polymer molecular orientation
plays in enhancing or diminishing the light management ability of
the metasurface by comparing local- and large-area fluorescence intensity
and fluorescence quantum efficiency enhancements, and by varying viewing
angle, for three different semiconducting polymers. We find that the
porous metasurfaces improve both the local and large-area quantum
efficiency of semiconducting polymer films with more out-of-plane
molecular chains by up to 414% and 53%, respectively, compared to
planar metal surfaces, by extracting plasmonic surface waves and the
Purcell effect. However, there are almost no enhancements to the fluorescence
of semiconducting polymer films with predominantly in-plane chains.
In fact, in this case, certain porous metasurfaces reduce local- and
large-area quantum efficiency by up to 77% and 15%, respectively,
due to enhanced ohmic losses. Experimental observations and supporting
electromagnetic simulations show that fluorescence modification is
also highly sensitive to viewing angle because the emission pattern
of each semiconducting polymer is affected differently by the porous
metasurfaces. Further, a local excitation enhancement factor of up
to 65 is experimentally observed in the case of semiconducting polymer
films with more out-of-plane chains and low extinction coefficient
on the porous metasurfaces.