Light Fidelity or commonly known as Li-fi, is an emerging technology that works on the principle of using light as a medium for transferring signals. It is bidirectional and is fully networked wireless communication that focuses on the use of light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs). The system is affluent and can provide connectivity within a larger area with more security, higher data rates and high-speed as compared to Wi-Fi. Apart from that, it relies on the use of visible light communication or infra-red and near-ultraviolet spectrum majorly working on the idea of switching bulbs on and off within nanoseconds. The paper consists of vivid insights about the use of Li-fi as a solution to the excessive traffic congestion in roadways. The paper is further divided into prominent sections that deal in providing an accurate idea about the working and implication of Li-fi technology in the current scenario. Moreover, the paper also proposes various technical standards and modulation that are and will be followed by Li-fi technologies, thereby focusing on its future implication. Apart from that, the main aim of designing the system is to limit traffic congestion and thus, reduce the increasing number of road accident in the present times.