Photosystem II (PS II) complexes are membrane protein complexes that are composed of >20 distinct subunit proteins. Similar to many other membrane protein complexes, two PS II complexes are believed to form a homo-dimer whose molecular mass is ϳ650 kDa. Contrary to this well known concept, we propose that the functional form of PS II in vivo is a monomer, based on the following observations. Deprivation of lipids caused the conversion of PS II from a monomeric form to a dimeric form. Only a monomeric PS II was detected in solubilized cyanobacterial and red algal thylakoids using blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Furthermore, energy transfer between PS II units, which was observed in the purified dimeric PS II, was not detected in vivo. Our proposal will lead to a re-evaluation of many crystallographic models of membrane protein complexes in terms of their oligomerization status.
Photosystem II (PS II)3 complexes convert solar energy to biological redox energy. Through this reaction process, water molecules are oxidized and molecular oxygen is released as a byproduct (reviewed in Ref. 1), which is the only source of molecular oxygen upon which all aerobic organisms on earth rely. PS II core complexes are membrane protein complexes that are composed of Ͼ20 distinct subunit proteins and many functional cofactors, including chlorophylls (Chls), carotenoids, plastoquinone, and metal ions (2-5). Similar to many other membrane protein complexes (6 -10), two PS II core complexes are believed to associate together to form a homodimer with a molecular mass of ϳ650 kDa, as shown by crystallographic models (2, 3, 5).The PS II complex turns over dynamically, although it is quite an integrated complex; our current understanding is that the PS II complex that is damaged by high light is disintegrated into a monomeric form and is further dissociated to replace a degraded D1 protein with a de novo synthesized D1 (reviewed in Refs. 11 and 12). After the replacement, the PS II complex is integrated into a functional form as a dimer. It is supposed that PS II subunit proteins such as PsbI (13) or PsbTc (14) participate in the formation of the PS II dimer.Crystallographic models of PS II have enabled the determination of the accurate molecular architecture of PS II complexes, all of which are in a dimeric form. The most recent crystallographic model of the PS II dimer at 3.0-Å resolution revealed the presence of six detergent molecules located at the interface of the two monomers (5). Small structural fluctuations during the purification process might allow the invasion of those detergent molecules. However, it is also probable that the PS II complexes exist in the form of a monomer in vivo and the two distinct monomers become a dimer during the purification step incorporating detergents between their interfaces. This idea led us to investigate the actual form of PS II in vivo. Contrary to the above well known dimeric model of a functional PS II core complex, here we show that the PS II core complex functions and exist...