Herein, we introduce an additive-free visible-lightinduced Passerini multicomponent polymerization (MCP) for the generation of high molar mass chains.Inplace of classical aldehydes (or ketones), highly reactive,insitu photogenerated thioaldehydes are exploited along with isocyanides and carboxylic acids.P rone to side reactions,t he thioaldehyde moieties create ac omplex reaction environment which can be tamed by optimizing the synthetic conditions utilizing stochastic reaction path analysis,h ighlighting the potential of semibatch procedures.O nce the complex MCP environment is understood, step-growth polymers can be synthesized under mild reaction conditions which-after aM umm rearrangement-result in the incorporation of thioester moieties directly into the polymer backbone,leading to soft matter materials that can be degraded by straightforwarda minolysis or chain expanded by thiirane insertion.