The responses of minimal and maximal fluorescence yields of chlorophyll a to irradiance of actinic white light were determined by pulse modulated fluorimetry in leaf discs from tobacco, Nkotina tabacum, at 1.6, 20.5, and 42.0% (v/v) 02. Steady-state maximal fluorescence yield (Fm', measured during a saturating light pulse) declined with increasing irradiance at all 02 levels. In contrast, the steady-state minimal fluorescence yield (Fo', measured during a brief dark interval) increased with irradiance relative to that recorded for the fully dark-adapted leaf (Fo) or that observed after 5 minutes of darkness (Fo*). The relative magnitude of this increase was somewhat greater and extended to higher irradiances at the elevated 02 levels compared with 1.6% 02.Suppression of Fo' was only observed consistently at saturating irradiance. The results are interpreted in terms of the occurrence of photosystem 11 units possessing exceedingly slow turnover times (i.e. "Inactive" units). Inactive units play an important role, along with thermal deactivation of excited chlorophyll, in determining the response of in vivo fluorescence yield to changes in irradiance. Also, a significant interactive effect of02 concentration and the presence or absence of far red light on oxidation of photosystem 11 acceptors in the dark was noted.Considerable interest has centered recently on the relationship between the intensity ofChl a fluorescence and efficiency of photochemistry in green leaves (7,9,10,12,16,20,21,30 fluorescence emission for available excitation (8,16,25). Under these circumstances fluorescence yield is maximal and qp = 0. Conversely, when the QA pool is completely oxidized then photochemistry is favored so that fluorescence yield is minimal (qp = 1). Typically, the ratio of maximal to minimal fluorescence yields is 5 to 6 in fully dark-adapted green leaves.As the irradiance of continuous actinic illumination increases the maximum fluorescence yield obtainable progressively decreases (i.e. "nonphotochemical" quenching coefficient, qN, increases from 0 to 1) (4,15,25). This is due mainly to increases in nonradiative (thermal) deactivation of absorbed photosynthetically active excitation in the chl antennae complex (9-11) and/or at the reaction center (29,30). An increase in the transfer of energy from PSII to nonfluorescent PSI at the level of the light harvesting Chl complexes can also result in a lowering of maximal fluorescence yield (1,15). It is reasonable to propose that an irradiance-dependent decrease in maximal fluorescence yield (PSII centers closed) would be accompanied by a quenching of minimal yield (PSI1 centers open). The degree of quenching of minimal fluorescence yield relative to maximal yield would depend upon the mechanism of quenching and the role that interconversion among heterogeneous PSII states (29, 30) might play in balancing light harvesting with the capacity of stromal reactions to utilize the products NADPH and ATP (12).This report describes results obtained with tobacco leaf tissue in...