We present experimental results on the eigenfrequency statistics of a superconducting, chaotic microwave billiard containing a rotatable obstacle. Deviations of the spectral fluctuations from predictions based on Gaussian orthogonal ensembles of random matrices are found. They are explained by treating the billiard as an open scattering system in which microwave power is coupled in and out via antennas. To study the interaction of the quantum (or wave) system with its environment a highly sensitive parametric correlator is used.PACS numbers: 05.45. Mt, 03.65.Nk, 42.25.Bs Classical chaos manifests itself in universal spectral quantum fluctuations that can be described by random matrix theory (RMT) [1]. While the earliest investigations of spectral correlations were confined to nuclear physics [2], during the last twenty years the universality has been tested in other areas, like optical experiments [3], quantum dots [4], and acoustic setups [5]. The (local) spectral statistics depend generically only on the underlying symmetries of the system. In particular, they are described by the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) of real symmetric random matrices for spinless systems with time reversal symmetry, and by the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) of complex Hermitian random matrices in the absence of time reversal invariance [6]. The sensitivity of the quantum (or wave) statistical properties to fundamental symmetries is obviously of great interest. For instance, it has been utilized to derive an upper bound for the magnitude of the time or parity violating component in nuclear interactions [7,8].We investigate here spectral properties of a superconducting microwave resonator where currents are induced by the measurement process. Although we study a specific wave system, the results are expected to be of general validity in the physics of complex quantum systems (atoms, molecules, nuclei, quantum dots, ...). The influence of the flux of microwave power flowing from the feeding to the receiving antenna on the spectral properties of the system is so weak that it can only be detected through a highly sensitive diagnosis tool, in our case a parametric statistical measure. In a previous experiment, the wave system was realized by a normal conducting microwave resonator attached to a large number of antennas [9]. There, the distribution of wave functions showed significant deviations from the GOE predictions, which were attributed to the transformation of the standing waves inside the closed microwave billiard into waves propagating from an emitting antenna into a large number of exit channels [10]. The aim of the present paper is to go further into the investigation of this mechanism. We will show that deviations from GOE behaviour are already observed in a resonator with only three (or less) attached antennas, when studying spectral properties as a function of a parameter.The experiment discussed here has been performed with a superconducting microwave resonator, whose high-quality factor is typically Q = 10 5 or larg...