The dynamics of light scattering by minerogenic particles in the upper waters of Cayuga Lake, New York, were characterized for the spring-autumn interval of 8 yr (1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004)(2005)(2006) at pelagic and nearshore sites with a scanning electron microscope interfaced with automated image and x-ray analyses (SAX). SAX results were used to estimate the minerogenic scattering coefficient ( Light scattering by particles, a fundamental process regulating radiative transfer in water (Kirk 2011), is important in determining apparent optical properties (AOPs, depend on geometry of the light field) of interest, including clarity (Preisendorfer 1986) and the remote sensing signal (Woźniak and Stramski 2004). The total scattering coefficient (b; m 21 ), corresponding to the integration of the volume-scattering function over all directions (Kirk 2011), quantifies a central feature of the light-scattering regime. b is an inherent optical property, independent of the geometry of the light field. The magnitude and spectral features of the particulate component of scattering, b p (which greatly exceeds that due to water), depend on multiple attributes of a particle population, including the number concentration (N), the particle size distribution (PSD), the composition of the individual particles and their shapes (Babin et al. 2003).The particle populations of aquatic ecosystems are heterogeneous, varying in time and space and differing greatly among systems in response to an array of drivers (Stramski et al. , 2007Peng and Effler 2011). Protocols for resolving the various components of light scattering are needed to understand these differences and dynamics, and to identify their origins and drivers, objectives that are consistent with the reductionist approach advocated by Stramski and co-workers (Stramski et al. 2001(Stramski et al. , 2007 where V is the sample volume, N m is the number of minerogenic particles in a sampled volume of water, and PA m,i is the projected area (m 2 ) of minerogenic particle i. Q bm,i depends on the complex refractive index (m i , function of composition) and size (d i ) of the particle, and the wavelength of light (l). This SAX-Mie approach supports further partitioning of b m into contributions according to size and particularly composition (e.g., clay minerals, quartz, and calcite) of particles Effler 2010, 2011). Early research with the SAX-Mie approach had appropriately focused first on testing the credibility of the forward estimates of b m for a range of particle assemblage conditions (see