One interesting radio‐frequency identification (RFID) application type is RFID searching that aims to hear a specific RFID tag from a large group of tags, that is, ability of detecting whether a target RFID tag is nearby. Very recently, a lightweight protocol using error‐correcting codes has been proposed by Chen et al. to provide a solution in this field. The authors give a detailed analysis of their protocol in terms of security, privacy, communication overhead, and hardware cost, and they claim that it is a realizable scheme with fulfilling security and privacy requirements. In this study, however, we investigate the security aspects of this protocol and clearly demonstrate its security flaws that completely allow an adversary to exploit the system. In particular, by using linear properties of error‐correcting coding, we first describe a tag tracing attack that undermines untraceability property, which is one of the design objectives. Then along with its implementation details, we present a key recovery attack that dramatically reduces the search space of a tag's secret key and show that an adversary can compromise it in convenient time by only querying this tag for several times. As an illustrative example, we retrieve the secret key of the protocol in 2 h for the suggested linear block code
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