“…Hays fed were: birdsfoot trefoil (BFT; Lotus corniculatus L., variety Langille), sainfoin (SAN; Onobrychis viciifolia Scop., variety Shoshone), small burnet (SML; Sanguisorba minor Scop., variety Delar), alfalfa (ALF; Medicago sativa L., variety DKA43-22RR), cicer milkvetch (CMV; Astragalus cicer L., variety Monarch), and meadow bromegrass (MB; Bromis riparius Rehmann, variety Cache; Jensen et al, 2004). Birdsfoot trefoil and SAN are tannincontaining legumes (Hunt et al, 2014;Wang et al, 2015), SML is a tannin-containing forb (Barry and McNabb, 1999), ALF and CMV are non-tannincontaining legumes (Broderick and Albrecht, 1997), and MB is a grass. All hays were cut in June of 2016 and at that time the legumes and SML were in the early flowering stage of development while MB was in the heading stage.…”