MBITALUSHUALing the dose of bronchodilator drug which reaches the bronchi. This problem was not of course resolved by the use of IPPV, which merely ensured that about the same volume of aerosol was delivered to the bronchi whatever drug or concentration was used. It is probable, however, that the average dose of isoprenaline received by the patients in this particular study was relatively large, because the increase in heart rate (29 per minute) produced by a 0.5°/,, concentration given for three minutes by IPPV was much greater than that produced by 1,000 ug. of isoprenaline administered by pressurized dispenser (13 per minute) in a previous study reported by Choo-Kang et al. (1969) on a similar group of patients. The average dose of salbutamol received by the patients must have been equally large when a 0-50/0 concentration was used, but it caused a much smaller increase in heart rate.IPPV has the capability, which a pressurized dispenser lacks, of delivering an adequate dose of bronchodilator aerosol to dyspnoeic patients. Such patients are often unable to inhale more than a small proportion of a single dose of aerosol from a pressurized dispenser, and this may partly account for the poor response of patients with status asthmaticus to bronchodilator drugs administered in that way. Furthermore, when the technique of IPPV is used, the drug is administered in a high concentration (40 0/% or more) of oxygen, and if the studies in experimental animals with isoprenaline reported by Collins et al. (1969) are applicable to man this may reduce considerably the potential cardiotoxic hazards associated with the use of bronchodilator aerosols.Though it cannot, of course, be assumed that a concentration of salbutamol which does not produce tachycardia is ipso facto less likely to provoke more serious cardiac side effects, it would seem reasonable, when powerful bronchodilatation is required, to select a form of treatment which does not increase the heart rate, and which at the same time ensures adequate oxygenation. These requirements can substantially be met by the administration of a 0.5 % aerosol of salbutamol by IPPV in 40% oxygen for a period of three minutes.