This book narrates the life and career of Mark Antony, which it sets against its contemporary social and cultural background. The origins and rise of the Antonii are also discussed. Topics include: the nature of the Roman aristocracy; Roman civic values; Roman elections; Roman education and high culture; oratory and invective in Roman society; Roman imperialism and the Romans’ conception of their empire; provincial administration, including the operations of the publicani; client kingdoms; civil war; Roman civic religion; the triumviral period; Hellenistic civic religion; Hellenistic kingship; Roman philhellenism; Ptolemaic Egypt; war with Parthia. Individuals discussed in this book include: Aulus Gabinius; Antipater the Idumaean; Herod the Great; Julius Caesar; Pompey the Great; Cicero; Cornelius Dolabella; Fulvia; Marcus Brutus; Octavian; Aemilius Lepidus; Cleopatra; Sextus Pompey; Marcus Agrippa.