We follow the heavy Higgs searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for H → τ µ by CMS, and H → τ τ by ATLAS and CMS, to study the prospects of discovering the extra Higgs states in pp → H, A → τ µ, τ τ with eµ + / E T and j τ µ + / E T final states, where j τ = π , ρ , a 1 and / E T is missing transverse energy. In a general two Higgs doublet model framework without Z 2 symmetry, extra Yukawa couplings ρ τ τ and ρ τ µ can drive H, A → τ τ and τ µ channels at hadron colliders, following gluon-gluon fusion production with extra ρ tt couplings. The light Higgs boson h( 125) is found to resemble closely the Standard Model Higgs boson. In the alignment limit of cos γ → 0 for h-H mixing, flavor changing neutral Higgs couplings such as h → τ µ are naturally suppressed, but the couplings of the heavier H is optimized by sin γ → 1. We define various signal regions for H, A → τ µ and τ τ , and evaluate physics backgrounds from dominant processes with realistic acceptance cuts and tagging efficiencies. Two different studies are presented: we first perform a parton level study without any hadronization and with minimal detector smearing; we then include hadronization using PYTHIA 8.2 and fast detector simulation using DELPHES to give event level simulation. Results for √ s = 13 TeV appear promising, which we extend further to √ s = 14 TeV for the High Luminosity LHC.