Circadian clocks are 24-hour endogenous oscillators in physiological and behavioral processes. Though recent transcriptomic studies have been successful in revealing the circadian rhythmicity in gene expression, the power calculation and study design for omics circadian analysis have not been explored. In this paper, we develop a statistical method, namely CircaPower, to perform power calculation for circadian pattern detection. Our theoretical framework is determined by three key factors in circadian gene detection: sample size, intrinsic effect size and sampling design. Via simulations, we systematically investigate the impact of these key factors on circadian power calculation. We demonstrate that CircaPower not only has fast and accurate computing but also is robust against variety of violations of model assumptions. In real applications, we demonstrate the performance of CircaPower using mouse pan-tissue data and human post-mortem brain data, and illustrate how to perform circadian power calculation using mouse skeletal muscle pilot data as a case study. We summarize intrinsic effect sizes from 3 human postmortem brain studies and 14 mouse studies with 20 types of tissues, which would facilitate researchers without pilot data to perform power calculation. Our method CircaPower has been implemented in an R package, which is publicly available on GitHub (