The use of Low Level Laser in individuals with tinnitus and without hearing loss Introduction: Among the most common complaints within otorhinolaryngology and audiology clinics, tinnitus stands out as one of the most uncomfortable for the subject. There are several modalities for the treatment of tinnitus, with emphasis on pharmaceutical therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, surgery, and among the possibilities of intervention, there is growing significance in the use of low level laser. Nevertheless, despite many articles in the international literature about this theme, there are several disagreements regarding the protocol of application and the efficacy of this treatment. Proposition: To verify the effect of laser therapy in individuals with chronic tinnitus symptom without hearing loss. Methods: The study was developed at the Centro Auditivo Ouvir-Bauru, with the acceptance of the Research Ethics Committee and patient acquiescence confirmed by signing the Informed Consent Term. Patients who suited the inclusion criteria were randomly set to Group 1: treated with low level laser and Group 2: treated with placebo laser. Anamnesis was applied with the individuals before the battery of tests and the data collected were registered in the individual's folder. after the interview, the audiological exams started, which included: tonal audiometry, high frequency audiometry, immittanciometry and acufenometry for hearing loss disposal, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory to measure the level of discomfort with tinnitus pre and post treatment and visual analogue scale to measure the level of discomfort with tinnitus pre and post laser application. The Laser Therapy protocol included 12 laser therapy sessions for Group 1 and placebo laser for Group 2, using 4J in the lingual vein in the red wavelength, 4J in the right and left tympanic membrane, in the red wavelength, and 9J in the right and left mastoid, at the infra-red wavelength. Results: the sample consisted of 20 patients, eight females and 12 males with the average of 54 yearsold. There was no statistical difference in function of the intervention group and the moment of evaluation for the high frequency audiometry and acuphenometry outcomes. The disadvantage of individuals with chronic tinnitus reduced significantly after the intervention, regardless of the intervention. It can be verified that the annoyance of individuals with chronic tinnitus decreased significantly with difference between the initial and final sessions, independently of the intervention group, but Group 1 presented a greater reduction than Group 2, independently of the moment of evaluation and the number of the session. Conclusion: It was concluded that individuals with chronic tinnitus reduced the disadvantage independently of the intervention group, and the level of discontentment with tinnitus in the initial sessions according to the final ones independently of the moment of evaluation and the intervention group. The group receiving laser therapy further improved the level of tinnitus dissatisfact...