We work in the Aegean islet hotel-room environment a friendly design from scratch for many years with legislation, political, defense, and engineering developments. Pandemic triggered out our initial findings. As a curse threatens tourism and as a blessing, it reveals new unpreceded hospitality options. In this research paper, we outline some scientific proceeds like Coastline Paradox and investment opportunity. The Aegean Sea has several thousand islands without inhabitants and several million meters of coastline certifying the “Coastline Paradox”. The fundamental concept of a guest room on an isolated tiny island is ecological vacations in the Aegean Sea, the marooning stranded in an islet vacation, the myth creation to attract guests, and the books and media coverage of the loneliness concept. The noninhabitant islands initially will be revitalized from deserted salinity virgin lands to beautiful paradises, with new flora and fauna, human living facilities, and optionally overnight sleeping space. A huge, city-size, modular ship with service boats formulate the Aegean Highway. All these workouts establish the Aegean Island resort hotel. All islets will be used as hotel rooms hosting various tourist and business activities. Finally, we face business concepts like COVID compliance, sovereignty, Aegean-wide services, and business realization options.