This paper continues the investigation into the relationship between good approximations and jump inversion initiated by Griffith. Firstly it is shown that there is a 0 2 set A whose enumeration degree a is bad-i.e. such that no set X ∈ a is good approximable-and whose complement A has lowest possible jump, in other words is low 2 . This also ensures that the degrees y ≤ a only contain 0 3 sets and thus yields a tight lower bound for the complexity of both a set of bad enumeration degree, and of its complement, in terms of the high/low jump hierarchy. Extending the author's previous characterisation of the double jump of good approximable sets, the triple jump of a 0 2 set A is characterised in terms of the index set of coinfinite sets enumeration reducible to A. The paper concludes by using Griffith's jump interpolation technique to show that there exists a high quasiminimal 0 2 enumeration degree.