Lipopolysaccharide, the constituent of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is the major pathogen that strongly provokes macrophage activation, and is called "Endotoxin." When a large amount of LPS flows in the blood, monocytes and macrophages are activated and cytokines, for example, Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 and nitrogen monoxide (NO), are produced. As a result, the fever, the nettle rash, and the endotoxin shock are caused. Endotoxin shock is still a serious disease, and the mortality is also high. For instance, about 210000 patients a year are die due to endotoxin shock in the United States.1) However, in recent years, the molecules related to LPS recognition have been detected and the mechanism of endotoxin shock has been gradually clarified. Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4, 2-4) MD-2, 5,6) Lipopolysaccharide Binding Protein (LBP) 7) and CD14, 8,9) enumerated as molecules, recognize LPS. First, LBP recognizes to LPS and forms a complex. 7) In the next step, membrane CD14 (mCD14), expressed on the surface of monocytes and macrophages, or soluble CD14 (sCD14), expressed in the blood as the free form, recognizes the complex. The complex is transferred to TLR4/MD-2, and the activation of immunological cells is induced, for instance monocytes and macrophages. 9,10) CD14 is expressed on the surface of monocytes and neutrophils as a 55 kDa GPI-anchored membrane protein (mCD14), and is also present in the serum as a soluble isoform.11) There were some interesting reports about the relationship between soluble CD14 and its physiological role. One is that plasma sCD14 is increased and the expression level of mCD14 is decreased in the onset of sepsis.12) And one of the other reports is that the responsibility to LPS was enhanced remarkably with CD14 existence compared with the condition in the absence of CD14.13) On the other hand, an important role of sCD14 was reported, that it acts in promoting the recognition of LPS by epithelial cells, which do not express mCD14, in vitro. 14) These reports suggest that not only mCD14, but also sCD14, is an important receptor in LPS recognition.There are some reports about increased level of sCD14, especially the sCD14 level in blood in the progress of the pathology, not only sepsis, [15][16][17] but also Kawasaki disease, 18) periodontitis 19) and Alzheimer's disease. 20,21) Therefore, it is thought that CD14 is widely involved in inflammatory disease. To elucidate the relation between the kinetics of the CD14 level and the progress of the pathogenesis may contribute to finding the treatment method.In this research, we compared the kinetics of the sCD14 level in different endotoxin shock models, the iota-carrageenan (CAR)-primed or D-galactosamine (D-galN)-primed model mice. Ogata et al. 22) and our group [23][24][25][26] have been documented that increased TNF-a production might be related to the enhanced lethal toxicity in CAR-primed model mice. 22) Other report describes the mechanisms of the elevated sensitivity to LPS in CAR-primed model m...