“…Additionally, meta-analytic models with suicide risk and/or dichotomous attempts as the outcome variable generally included fewer samples and/or smaller N s—this may, in part, explain the inconsistent findings. Nevertheless, to enhance the variance of the outcome measure and statistical power, it is recommended that future studies use a continuous outcome (i.e., number of attempts), precise definitions of suicide-related terms (e.g., Crosby, Ortega, & Melanson, 2011), and response options that allow for nuanced reporting of suicidal behavior (see Hom, Joiner, & Bernert, 2015 and Millner, Lee, & Nock, 2015 for discussions of the limintations of single-item assessments of attempt history). It may also be useful for studies to employ the same suicidal symptom measures to enhance interpretability of meta-analytic findings (Batterham et al, 2015).…”