Gravitational waves from the inspiral of a stellar-size black hole to a supermassive black hole can be accurately approximated by a point particle moving in a Kerr background. This paper presents progress on finding the electromagnetic and gravitational field of a point particle in a black-hole spacetime and on computing the self-force in a "radiation gauge." The gauge is chosen to allow one to compute the perturbed metric from a gauge-invariant component ψ 0 (or ψ 4 ) of the Weyl tensor and follows earlier work by Chrzanowski and Cohen and Kegeles (we correct a minor, but propagating, error in the Cohen-Kegeles formalism). The electromagnetic field tensor and vector potential of a static point charge and the perturbed gravitational field of a static point mass in a Schwarzschild geometry are found, surprisingly, to have closed-form expressions. The gravitational field of a static point charge in the Schwarzschild background must have a strut, but ψ 0 and ψ 4 are smooth except at the particle, and one can find local radiation gauges for which the corresponding spin ±2 parts of the perturbed metric are smooth. Finally a method for finding the renormalized self-force from the Teukolsky equation is presented. The method is related to the Mino, Sasaki, Tanaka and Quinn and Wald (MiSaTaQuWa) renormalization and to the DetweilerWhiting construction of the singular field. It relies on the fact that the renormalized ψ 0 (or ψ 4 ) is a sourcefree solution to the Teukolsky equation; and one can therefore reconstruct a nonsingular renormalized metric in a radiation gauge.