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Electron-Impact Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen
2000_-------.---.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 6.4.2 SDCSfor 17.6,20,25, and30eV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 6.5 Integral Ionization Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 7 The Three-Body Electron-Impact In the early 1970's Burke and Mitchell [15, 14] showed that cross sections for the elastic and excitation channels could be calculated at energies above the ionization threshold by including positive-energy pseudostates in the expansion. This work was extended in the 1980's by Oza and Callaway [23,22] (Fl, 72)
Electron-Impact Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen
List of Tables
Nature of Ionization
Electron-impact ionization is the process in which a target atom or molecule is ionized by a collision with an electron. Scattering theory calculations have progressed to the point of being able to accurately treat non-breakup processes for an electron scattering from relatively complicated target molecules. However, ionization represents a fundamentally different class of problems characterized by a final state in which three particles that interact via long-range
by rearranging the Schrodinger equation (Equation 2.1).Since lli~ (?'l, 72) represents the scattered part of the wave function at large distances it must be an outgoing wave in rl and r2. Thus, we define W; (71, 72)
Exterior Complex Scaling
Application to long-range potentials
Finite Difference Implementation
ECS on a grid
Under ECS, the scattered wave @& (z(rI), Z(T2)) is a continuous function but has discontinuous first derivatives along the lines rl or r2 equal to&.There is no problem representing the wave function on a two-dimensional grid in rl and r2, but in order to correctly approximate its derivatives on each grid point we will require that~be one of the grid points. The scattered wave will be calculated directly on to the ECS contour by solving Equation 3.5 on the two-dimensional, complex-scaled grid.
Functions whose analytic forms are known, such as the right-hand side of Equation 3.5 and the potentials in the Hamiltonian, are mapped on to the ECS contour by simply evaluating them on the contour z(r) for both rl and r2. The non-analytic two-electron potential $ is scaled in this way by noting that it is piece-wise analytic and scaling the rl < r2 and rl > r2 regions separately. The potential is unchanged on the real part of the grid and, as will be demonstratedlater in this chapter, the potentials beyond~have very little effect on the wave function in the interior region.
Finite difference approximations to derivatives
Dimension of the problem
Properties of the Calculated Wave FunctionsThe figure on the left shows the absolute value of #~P (rl, Tz) ..................................................j ..........................
Total Cross Section
Differential Cross ...