Stomata have recently been theorized to have evolved strategies that maximize turgor-driven growth over plants’ lifetimes, finding support through steady-state solutions, in which gas exchange, carbohydrate storage, and growth have all reached an equilibrium. However, plants do not operate near steady-state as plant responses and environmental forcings vary diurnally and seasonally. It remains unclear how gas exchange, carbohydrate storage, and growth should be dynamically coordinated for stomata to maximize growth. We simulated the gas exchange, carbohydrate storage, and growth that dynamically maximize growth diurnally and annually. Additionally, we test whether the growth-optimization hypothesis explains nocturnal stomatal opening, particularly through diel changes in temperature, carbohydrate storage, and demand. Yearlong dynamic simulations captured realistic diurnal and seasonal patterns in gas exchange as well as realistic seasonal patterns in carbohydrate storage and growth, improving upon unrealistic carbohydrate responses in steady-state simulations. Diurnal patterns of carbohydrate storage and growth in daylong simulations were hindered by faulty modeling assumptions of cyclic carbohydrate storage over an individual day and synchronization of the expansive and hardening phases of growth, respectively. The growth-optimization hypothesis cannot currently explain nocturnal stomatal opening unless employing corrective ‘fitness factors’ or reframing the theory in a probabilistic manner, in which stomata adopt an inaccurate statistical ‘memory’ of nighttime temperature. The growth-optimization hypothesis suggests that diurnal and seasonal patterns of stomatal conductance are driven by a dynamic carbon-use strategy that seeks to maintain homeostasis of carbohydrate reserves.