Many fishes are thought to make diel, seasonal and/or ontogenetic migrations among seagrass, mangrove, and coral reef habitats. However, most evidence of such movement has been inferred from density and size structure differences among these habitats in tropical waters. The aim of the present study was to directly evaluate multiple habitat use by an ecologically and economically important reef fish, the gray snapper Lutjanus griseus, in subtropical waters. An integrated set of activities was conducted, including tagging and tracking of individuals and underwater video photography to examine the spatial and temporal dynamics of movements among neighboring mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef habitats in the northern Florida Keys, USA. Results of ultrasonic acoustic and mini-archival tagging indicated that L. griseus exhibits: (1) a distinct diel migration pattern, whereby shallow seagrass beds are frequented nocturnally and mangroves and other habitats with complex structure are occupied diurnally, and (2) bay-to-ocean movement, occurring during the known spawning season of L. griseus in this region. Video photography confirmed diel movement among seagrass and mangrove habitats. Results of this subtropical study corroborate direct and indirect evidence obtained in tropical waters of multiple inshore habitat use by L. griseus, as well as its seasonal movement into or towards offshore reefs. For resource managers charged with designing and implementing management plans for subtropical coastal habitats and fisheries, our findings provide direct support for the strategy of conserving both inshore seagrass and mangrove habitats as well as offshore coral reefs.KEY WORDS: Diel · Seasonal · Gray snapper · Movement · Mangrove · Seagrass · Reef · Acoustic tagging · Underwater video
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 380: [255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269] 2009 structure (e.g. Cocheret de la Morinière et al. 2002, Nagelkerken 2007, dietary isotopes, and gut content analysis (Harrigan et al. 1989, Cocheret de la Morinière et al. 2003 or from otolith microchemistry (Chittaro et al. 2004). Recent work in Atlantic and Caribbean waters strongly suggests mangrove and seagrass 'back-reef' areas are a critical ontogenetic link in the life cycle of a number of coral reef fishes, serving as important nurseries for juveniles (e.g. Nagelkerken et al. 2000, Serafy et al. 2003, Mumby et al. 2004, Adams et al. 2006, Dorenbosch et al. 2007). Three recent reviews examining mangroves as fish habitat (Faunce & Serafy 2006, Nagelkerken 2007, Nagelkerken et al. 2008 have noted the dearth of direct evidence of fish movement among mangroves and other coastal habitats. Such species-specific data are needed to begin to quantify the contributions made by adjacent, shallow-water habitats in the life cycles and sustainability of managed fish species (Beck et al. 2001).Nearshore mangrove and seagrass habitats along the southern Florida (USA...