Sourcing energy for reproduction is a major driver of the life-history characteristics of animals. Unlike other molluscs, cephalopods do not appear to have significant glycogen stores, and energy is either sourced directly from ingested food or mobilized from protein stores in the muscle. Given the importance of protein to cephalopods, this study quantified changes in protein turnover in the muscle tissue in reproductively immature and maturing/mature individuals. Quantifying protein accretion and protein synthesis allowed an assessment of protein turnover in immature and maturing individuals of the southern dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica), which has fast nonasymptotic growth, has a short generation time, and does not use lipid stores. This study found that protein turnover slowed in the mantle muscle tissue with gonad growth, suggesting an adaptive response to the energy demands associated with reproduction but one that allows for continued somatic growth and muscle function in these animals. However, the cost of reproduction may be indirect, with less energy available for somatic repair, and therefore may be responsible for the rapid senescence typical of many cephalopod species.