Cell metabolism is characterized by three fundamental energy demands to sustain cell maintenance, to trigger aerobic fermentation and to achieve maximum metabolic rate. Here we report a physical model of cell metabolism that explains the origin of these three energy scales. Our key hypothesis is that the maintenance energy demand is rooted on the energy expended by molecular motors to fluidize the cytoplasm and counteract molecular crowding. Using this model and independent parameter estimates we make predictions for the three energy scales that are in quantitative agreement with experimental values. The model also recapitulates the dependencies of cell growth with extracellular osmolarity and temperature. This theory brings together biophysics and cell biology in a tractable model that can be applied to understand key principles of cell metabolism.
2. CC-BY 4.0 International license peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. It is made available under a The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not . http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/209551 doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Oct. 26, 2017; The basal metabolic state of a cell is characterized by a maintenance energy demand [33,6]. It has been estimated from the extrapolation of the growth dependence of the energy demand to the zero growth limit. For mammalian cells it is particularly high, with values around 0.3 mol ATP/L/h [17]. When cells grow, move or perform other functions the energy requirements increase beyond the basal maintenance demand. Cells utilize glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to satisfy these energetic demands. Glycolysis has a low yield of 2 mol ATP/mol glucose [47], but it is characterized by a high horsepower (energy produced per volume of enzymes) [17,44]. Oxidative phosphorylation has a higher yield of 32 mol ATP/mol glucose [47], but it is characterized by a lower horsepower [17,44]. The differences in yield and horsepower imply a metabolic switch from pure oxidative phosphorylation at low energy demands to mixed oxidative phosphorylation plus obligatory fermentation (glycolysis + lactate release) at high energy demands [46,44]. For mammalian cells this takes place at an energy demand of about 2 mol ATP/L/h [46], 10 times the energy demand of cell maintenance. Finally, there is the energy demand necessary to sustain the maximum growth rate, or a high metabolic rate in general. The maximum growth rate energy demand can only be sustained by glycolysis [44] and therefore we can estimate the maximum energy requirements of cells from their maximum reported rates of fermentation. For mammalian cells that gives us an estimate of about 8 mol ATP/L/h [46], close to an order of magnitude above the energy threshold for obligatory fermentation.These metabolic functions are fulfilled within the context of an intracellular milieu crowded with macromolecules and organelles [43]. In fact, both the energy threshold of obligatory fermentation and maximum energy demand can be deduced from molecular crowding constraints. A good order of ma...