We report the application of femtosecond four-wave mixing (FWM) to the study of carrier transport in solution-processed CH3NH3PbI3. The diffusion coefficient was extracted through direct detection of the lateral diffusion of carriers utilizing the transient grating technique, coupled with simultaneous measurement of decay kinetics exploiting the versatility of the boxcar excitation beam geometry. The observation of exponential decay of the transient grating versus interpulse delay indicates diffusive transport with negligible trapping within the first nanosecond following excitation. The in-plane transport geometry in our experiments enabled the diffusion length to be compared directly with the grain size, indicating that carriers move across multiple grain boundaries prior to recombination. Our experiments illustrate the broad utility of FWM spectroscopy for rapid characterization of macroscopic film transport properties.Organo-lead trihalide perovskites possess a unique combination of electronic and optical properties, making them attractive for applications in light-emitting diodes, 1,2 lasers, 3-5 optical sensors, 6-8 and most notably high performance solar cells where the efficiencies have rapidly increased, reaching over 22% in just a few years.
9In addition, these hybrid perovskites can be solutionprocessed and applied as thin films to a variety of substrates, 10,11 pointing to the potential for large-scale, low-cost solar cell production.12-16 The transport properties of electrons and holes within the perovskite absorber material are crucial to the performance of photovoltaics and other optoelectronic technologies using these materials. The first observation of micron-scale carrier diffusion lengths in CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3−x Cl x 17-19 stimulated a comprehensive research effort aimed at understanding the nature of carrier transport.20-33 Carrier mobilities and/or diffusion lengths have been studied using electrical techniques (e.g. AC Photo Hall, 25 spacecharge-limited current, 31 impedance spectroscopy, 21 , and spatially-resolved electron-beam-induced current 27 ) as well as optical techniques that rely on electrical contacts such as photoluminescence quenching 17,18 and scanning photocurrent microscopy.26,33 Some of these techniques offer the ability to probe transport in a working solar cell device, however imperfectly characterized interface energetics and ambiguities tied to the model-dependent extraction of transport characteristics impede the determination of the physical processes limiting device performance.All-optical techniques provide an effective approach to studying carrier transport within a wide range of photovoltaic materials as no carrier extraction layers or ohmic contacts are required. Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy (TDTHz) and time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) have provided valuable insight into carrier scattering processes in the organometal halide perovskites in recent years. 24,28,29 For such techniques, the quantitative determination of mobility requires modeling of the...