Nowadays, using the services provided by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is ubiquitous in geodesy, cadastre and Geographic Information Systems. Galileo, the GNSS system which is under development by the European Union, will transmit navigation signals in four subbands (E5a/L5, E5b, E6 and E1/L1) within the L band. GNSS systems are not the only users of the L band around the world; other telecommunication systems also use it. Papers analyzing real RF measurement campaigns have shown that loss-of-lock on the navigational signals is possible to GNSS receivers in the vicinity of radio and TV broadcast transmitters. It has also been demonstrated that, in the nearby area of airports, radionavigation or communication systems (e.g. Very High Frequency Omindirectional Radio Range or Instrument Landing System) can cause interference to GNSS receivers. These interferences are unwanted because they can affect the precision of the GNSS receivers and can compromise the topographical measurements. Therefore it is essential to understand better the negative effects of RF interferences on GNSS receivers and to optimize the solutions against the interferences. This paper deals with the particular matter of filtering the narrowband interferences affecting Multiplexed-Binary-Offset-Carrier (MBOC) Galileo navigation signal.