MINOS is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. A manmade beam of predominantly muon neutrinos is detected both 1 km and 735 km from the production point by two functionally identical detectors. A comparison of the energy spectra measured by the two detectors shows the energy-dependent disappearance of muon neutrinos characteristic of oscillations and allows a measurement of the parameters governing the oscillations. This thesis presents work leading to measurements of disappearance in the 6% ν µ background in that beam.A calibration is developed to correct for time-dependent changes in the responses of both detectors, reducing the corresponding uncertainty on hadronic energy measurements from 1.8% to 0.4% in the near detector and from 0.8% to 0.4% in the far detector. A method of selecting charged current ν µ events is developed, with purities (efficiencies) of 96.5% (74.4%) at the near detector, and 98.8% (70.9%) at the far detector in the region below 10 GeV reconstructed antineutrino energy. A method of using the measured near detector neutrino energy spectrum to predict that expected at the far detector is discussed, and developed for use in the ν µ analysis. Sources of systematic uncertainty contributing to the oscillation measurements are discussed.In the far detector, 32 charged current ν µ events are observed below a reconstructed energy of 30 GeV, compared to an expectation of 47.8 for ∆m 2 atm = ∆m 2 atm , sin 2 (2θ 23 ) = sin 2 (2θ 23 ). This deficit, in such a low-statistics sample, makes the result difficult to interpret in the context of an oscillation parameter measurement. Possible sources for the discrepancy are discussed, concluding that considerably more data are required for a definitive solution. Running MINOS with a dedicated ν µ beam would be the ideal continuation of this work.
AcknowledgementsWhen a piece of work takes four years to complete, far too many people play parts in its development to be thanked individually. However, certain people deserve specific mention for contributions without which the completion of this thesis would have been all the more difficult.First and foremost thanks go to my supervisor Giles Barr who guided me superbly through the process of learning to be a particle physics researcher. His perennially encouraging supervision and infectious enthusiasm for the subject benefited me hugely.The many members of the Oxford MINOS group who passed through during my time all deserve thanks. Alfons Weber could always be relied on to provide some insightful comments on any histogram. Nathaniel Tagg supervised me through my early work in the MINOS calibration group, his in-depth knowledge in that area proving invaluable. Jeff Hartnell was one of the driving forces behind the antineutrino analysis which forms the main part of this thesis, and our numerous conversations helped crystallise many of the ideas I present.I also shared my time at Oxford with Chris Backhouse, Anatael Cabrera, Katarzyna Grzelak, Phillip Litchfield, Paul Miyagawa, Robert Pittam, Tob...