“…This collocation of many of the youngest effusive volcanic units on Mercury with impact structures is consistent with predictions for a planet undergoing contraction from secular interior cooling [Solomon, 1978]. Although the importance to volcanism of impacts on Earth has been controversial Geophysical Research Letters 10.1002/2016GL069412 [Ivanov and Melosh, 2003;Glickson, 2004;Elkins-Tanton and Hager, 2005], the impact process removes overburden, promotes subsurface uplift, relaxes preexisting stresses, substantially fractures the lithosphere and thus provides pathways along which magma may ascend [e.g., Klimczak, 2015], and introduces heat into the mantle that may trigger the production of melt [Roberts and Barnouin, 2012]. Impact structures are therefore prime sites for late-stage eruptions in a tectonic regime otherwise generally unfavorable to extrusive activity.…”