Actinide compounds /Mössbauer spectroscopy /Electronic structure /Crystal structure /Magnetism L Introduction Π. Information accessible to Mössbauer spectroscopy ΙΠ. Mössbauer spectroscopy in the actinide elements 1. Introduction 2. Reported resonances 3. Other possibilities IV.Electionic configuration, bonding and magnetic properties 1. Introductory survey of theoretical concepts 2. Chemical information from isomer shift data 3. Chemical information from electric field gradient data 4. Chemical information from magnetic hyperfine data V. Structural information: Crystallographic and magnetic phase transitions and structures VI. Radiation effects in actinide materials: After-effects of nuclear decays and of nuclear reactions; self-irradiation effects VII. Conclusions
AbstractThe principles and possibilities of Mössbauer spectroscopy in actinide compounds are reviewed. A survey of applications of chemical character to problems of electronic structure, bonding properties, magnetism and phase transitions is given in order to illustrate the possibilities of Mössbauer spectroscopy. In particular, the recently very active problem of the elucidation of the type of phase transition occurring at low temperature in Np0 2 (~ 25 K) and Am0 2 ( ~ 10K) is discussed on the basis of recent experimental results using the 23 'Np and "'Am Mössbauer resonances. Problems connected with after-effects of nuclear decays, radiation damage and self-irradiation effects are emphasized with the aid of a series of new experimental results.