Advantage is taken of a complete and precise experimental study of the luminescent properties of yttrium aluminium garnet doped with Ce 3+ , previously accomplished by other authors, to confirm the accuracy of the invoked theoretical methods for dealing with the realistic calculation of the electromagnetic spectra of condensed phases. The fluorescent spectra at T = 0 and T = 250 K of YAG:Ce 3+ were calculated with no adjustable parameter, giving complete agreement with experiment. The energy released by the electronic transitions was determined with precision better than 5% the full width at half maximum of the spectral features. Thermal quenching of the fluorescent yield is discussed and calculated in a less accurate way, but anyway showing good agreement with experiment.PACS numbers: 78.20.Bh Fluorescence is generally associated to transitions of a local electronic orbital causing a significant structural variation, and hence a strong perturbation of the dynamics of nuclear degrees of freedom. The absent, or very weak [1], zero-phonon line in the observed spectra proves in empirical way that few-phonon processes are infrequent. The wide frequency spectra of the exchanged photons, the large Stokes shifts and peak asymmetries, and the marked dependence of the spectral features on the local and long-range properties of the hosting medium, have all them a common explanation: the large amount of energy spent in exciting acoustic traveling waves in the medium hosting the fluorescent molecule [2,3]. From a thermodynamic standpoint, the electronic and electromagnetic radiation fields are two weakly coupled systems going through a transformation between two well defined states, in thermal equilibrium with the energy reservoir constituted by the acoustic vibrational modes of the extended material medium. By the entropy law, the thermal bath always takes a positive amount of energy in the average. In photon absorption processes the radiation field statistically provides the energy delivered to the thermal bath, and the electron field does in the emission events. Then the Stokes shift is a direct consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. Peak asymmetries have a similar general explanation, since photons carrying an energy excess, or defect, are more probable in absorption, or emission, processes.The technology of fluorescence has advanced at an accelerating pace in a variety of applications [4][5][6]. Many of them follow from the sensitivity of the optical properties of the fluorophores to the physical attributes of the embedding medium [7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Despite these advances, there are still some aspects which deserve deeper under- * Electronic address: † Electronic address: ‡ Electronic address: standing. Recent papers report a theoretical framework able to reproduce with high numerical precision the temperature dependent lineshapes [2] and quenching [3] of the fluorescent spectra of molecules in a condensed environment. The purpose of this comm...