It has recently been stated that the parametrization of the time variables in the one-dimensional (l-D) mixing-frequency electron spin-echo envelope modulation (MIF-ESEEM) experiment is incorrect and hence the wrong frequencies for correlated nuclear transitions are predicted. This paper is a direct response to such a claim, its purpose being to show that the parametrization in 1-and 2-D MIF-ESEEM experiments possesses the same formas that used in other 4-pulse incrementation schemes and predicts the same correlation frequencies. We show that the parametrization represents a shearing transformation of the 2-D time-domain and relate the resulting frequency domain spectrum to the HYSCORE spectrum in terms of a skew-projection. It is emphasized that the parametrization of the time-domain variables may be chosen arbitrarily and affects rreither the computation of the correct nuclear frequencies nor the resulting resolution. The usefulness or otherwise of the MIF parameters [Yl > 1 is addressed, together with the validity of the original claims of the authors with respect to resolution enhancement in cases of purely homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. Nume¡ simulations are provided to illustrate the main points.