In this article, a multiwavelength Q-switched ytterbiumdoped fiber laser using tungsten oxide nanoparticles (WO 3 NPs) as a saturable absorber (SA) is reported for the first time. The SA was prepared by depositing micron-sized layers of WO 3 NPs suspension onto the surface of the fiber tip via direct deposition process. After embedding the SA into an ytterbium-doped fiber laser cavity, self-starting Q-switched performance was realized at a bleaching threshold of 179 mW having a minimum pulse width of 2.92 μs and maximum pulse energy of 9.26 nJ with variable repetition rates from 14.8 to 71.3 kHz. By boosting the pump power and proper adjustment of the polarization controller, steady dual-and triple-wavelength operations were obtained at pump powers of 210 and 275 mW, respectively. The obtained results confirm the practical use of WO 3 as an effective nonlinear modulator for multiwavelength and pulsed fiber lasers near 1 μm wavelength band. K E Y W O R D S multiwavelength, passive saturable absorber, Q-switching, tungsten oxide nanoparticles, YDFL