We examine the effects of gravitational fields produced by topological defects on a Dirac field and a Dirac oscillator in a spinning cosmic string spacetime. We obtain the eigenfunctions and the energy levels of the relativistic field in that background and consider the effect of various parameters, such as the frequency of the rotating frame, the oscillator's frequency, the string density and other quantum numbers.
DIRAC EQUATION IN THE COSMIC STRING SPACETIMEbetween quarks as well as the confining part of the phenomenological Cornell potential), the Dirac oscillator and related models have been applied in many other contexts as well, such as quantum optics [7][8][9], supersymmetry [5, 10, 11], nuclear reactions [12], the hadronic spectrum (with the two-body Dirac oscillator) [13,14], the Clifford algebra [15,16], noncommutative space [17,18], thermodynamic properties [19], Lie algebras [20], supersymmetric (non-relativistic) quantum mechanics [21], the supersymmetric path-integral formalism [22], chiral phase transitions in presence of a constant magnetic field [8], the relativistic Landau levels in presence of external magnetic field [23], the Aharonov-Bohm effect [24], and condensed matter physics phenomena and graphene [25]. Similar studies for the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) oscillator, which is analogous to the Dirac oscillator for spinless and spin-one particles, are in Refs. [26,27]. Finally, let us mention many studies of the Dirac oscillator with topological defects and cosmic string spacetimes in Refs. [28][29][30][31][32][33][34] and analogous investigations for scalar fields in Refs. [35][36][37][38][39]. Some studies of relativistic oscillators are in Refs. [40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47].In this work, we examine the relativistic quantum dynamics of Dirac oscillator on the curved spacetime of a rotating cosmic string. From the corresponding Dirac equation, we analyze the influence of the topological defect on the equation of motion, the energy spectrum and the wave-functions. An analogous study for the Klein-Gordon equation is in Ref. [49]. In Sec. 2, we write down the covariant Dirac equation without oscillator in a spinning cosmic string spacetime, and find its wave-functions and energy eigenvalues. In Sec. 3, we present the covariant Dirac oscillator in the same spacetime and obtain the wave-functions and energy spectrum. We present concluding remarks in Sec. 4.