This paper investigates the use of point wall pressure measurements for output feedback control of Tollmien-Schlichting waves in Falkner-Skan boundary layers. A new approach is presented for input-output modeling of the linear dynamics of the fluid system and the integration with H 2 /LQG reduced-order control design. The pressure output at the wall is related with the global perturbation velocity field through the linearized pressure Poisson equation. A Kalman filter is subsequently used to obtain time-resolved estimates of the velocity field using pressure information at discrete points at the wall. The estimated field is in turn used to calculate an optimal state feedback control to suppress the instabilities. The controller is designed in both a feedforward, a feedback and a combined feedforward/feedback actuator/sensor configuration. It is shown that combined feedforward/feedback control gives the best trade-off between robust performance and robust stability in the presence of uncertainties in the Reynolds number and the pressure gradient. Robust performance in off-design conditions is enhanced compared to feedforward control while robust stability is enhanced compared to feedback control. Nomenclature A, B, C, D = full order /spatial continuous state-space operators A, B, C, D = reduced order state-space matrices E = perturbation energy F = state feedback gain f = body force vector L = linearized Navier-Stokes operator L = Kalman filter gain l = control penalty m = dimensionless constant characterizing the pressure gradient * Researcher, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, † Assistant Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, ‡ Assistant Professor, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, p = fluctuating pressure p f f = feedforward pressure measurement p f b = feedback pressure measurement Re δ = Reynolds number based on local δ * Re 0 = Reynolds number based on inflow δ * r = order of the reduced order model T = closed-loop transfer function t = time U ∞ = dimensionless external free-stream velocity u = fluctuating velocity vector U = base flow vector w = external disturbance x = dimensionless spatial coordinate z, q, p m = output signals Z = boundary to domain lifting operator δ * = displacement thickness, m ξ = similarity variable φ = control input ν = kinematic viscosity, m 2 /s η = temporal state defined at the boundary γ = estimation penalty, relative magnitude of the sensor noise ω = radial frequency ω n = natural frequency ζ = damping ratio Γ = boundary Subscripts in, out, wall = inflow boundary, outflow boundary, rigid wall h, c, d, = homogeneous, control, disturbance m, ff, fb, = measured, feedforward, feedback Superscripts e = extended * = dimensional variable 2