Group synchronization refers to estimating a collection of group elements from the noisy pairwise measurements. Such a nonconvex problem has received much attention from numerous scientific fields including computer vision, robotics, and cryo-electron microscopy. In this paper, we focus on the orthogonal group synchronization problem with general additive noise models under incomplete measurements, which is much more general than the commonly considered setting of complete measurements. Characterizations of the orthogonal group synchronization problem are given from perspectives of optimality conditions as well as fixed points of the projected gradient ascent method which is also known as the generalized power method (GPM). It is well worth noting that these results still hold even without generative models. In the meantime, we derive the local error bound property for the orthogonal group synchronization problem which is useful for the convergence rate analysis of different algorithms and can be of independent interest. Finally, we prove the linear convergence result of the GPM to a global maximizer under a general additive noise model based on the established local error bound property. Our theoretical convergence result holds under several deterministic conditions which can cover certain cases with adversarial noise, and as an example we specialize it to the setting of the Erdös-Rényi measurement graph and Gaussian noise.