Theoretical Analysis for A + T Absorption Bands1) R. BOYN and J. GARDAVSKP~) BYA theoretical study is made of the first-order effects of an external electric field on optical transitions between strongly localized electronic states of isolated substitutional impurities in a wurtzite-type crystal taking into account the near-tetrahedral symmetry of these centers. The field effect on optical absorption bands due to A + T type transitions is treated on the basis of the method of moments which is extended to include mixing with the A ground level. The field-induced changes of the zeroth and first moment (corresponding to changes in transition probability and t o the Stark splitting, respectively) are calculated as functions of field and polarization direction. The polarization dependence of the zero-field moments which is due to the axial part of the impurity potential is also discussed. On the basis of a rigid-shift approximation a brief semi-phenomenological treatment is given of the field-induced changes in band shape.Die Effekte erster Ordnung eines auderen elektrischen Feldes auf optische ubergange zwischen stark lokalisierten Elektronenzustanden von isolierten Substitutionsstorstellen in Wurtzitkristallen werden theoretisch untersucht, wobei die angenaherte Tetracdersymmetrie dieser Zentren berucksichtigt wird. Der FeldeinfluD auf optische A -T-Absorptionsbanden wird auf der Basis der Momentenmethode behandelt, die auf den Fall der Mischung mit dem A-Grundzustand verallgemeinert wird. Die feldinduzierten Bnderungen des nullten und ersten Moments (die Bnderungen der Ubergangswahrscheinlichkeit bzw. der Stark-Aufspaltung entsprechen), werden als Funktion der Feld-und Polarisationsrichtung berechnet. Die Polarisationsabhlngigkeit der Nullfeld-Momente, die durch den axialen Anteil des Storstellenpotentials bedingt ist, wird ebenfalls diskutiert. Auf der Grundlage der Naherung der starren Verschiebung erfolgt eine halbphanomenologische Behandlung der feldinduzierten h d e r u n g e n der Bandenform.
IntroductionFor inipurity systems which do not possess inversion symmetry a linear Stark effect (LSE) may occur. Earlier studies of this effect have been concentrated on host crystals with inversion-symmetrical lattice sites, in particular alkali halides. I n this group of crystals a LSE is exhibited only by associate-type centers (e.g. [l to 3]), whereas the Stark effect on simple isolated defects (e.g. F-centers, $-type substitutional impurities) is quadratic (e.g. [4 to 71). I n substances in which the site symmetrygroup does not contain the inversion, an LSE is possible also for isolated substitutional impurities. There are relatively 1) The experimental and theoretical results presented in this work are part of the Ph. D. thesis of RNDr. J. Gardavskf, with scholarship of the Czechoslovak Ministery of Education.2) Present address: Institute of Physics of the Charles University, 121 16 Praha 2, Czechoslovakia.