“…Table 6.1 gives the maximum nodal errors, the computational convergence rates, and the two estimators E : maxtE p6.4q , E p6.7q u and E p6.6q with their effectivity indices (computed as the ratio of the estimator to the error). Here E p6.¤q denotes the right-hand side of (6.¤), in which we set Θ Θ I 1 (while, by Lemma 8.1 below, Θ Θ I À h ), and also replace quantities of type mint1, ε ¡1 au by their smoother analogues a ε a , e.g., E p6.6q max zN The mesh is chosen so that the linear interpolation error }u ¡ u I } V ;V À N ¡2 ; however, as ε Ñ 0, the convergence rates deteriorate from 2 to 1 (this phenomenon is noted and explained in [10]). For the considered ranges of ε and N , the aspect ratios of the mesh elements take values between 1 and 3.6e+8.…”