The techniques developed in earlier chapters for modeling and analysis of de-de converters are extended in this chapter to treat the analysis, modeling, and control of low-harmonic rectifiers. The CCM models of Chapter 3 are used in Section 18.1 to compute the average losses and efficiency of CCM PWM converters operating as rectifiers. The results yield insight that is useful in power stage design. Several converter control schemes are now in use. Peak current programming, average current control, and input voltage feedforward are all implemented in the available control ICs. Nonlinear carrier control is a relatively new scheme having a simple implementation. These schemes are discussed in Section 18.2. Modeling of the rectifier control system is covered in Section 18.3.
MODELING LOSSES AND EFFICIENCY IN CCM HIGH-QUALITY RECTIFIERSAs in the case of de-de converters, we would like to model the converter loss elements so that we can correctly specify the power stage components. The equivalent circuit approach used in the de-de case can be generalized to include ac-dc low harmonic rectifiers, although the resulting equations are more complicated because of the low-frequency ac modulation of the waveforms. A de-de boost converter and its steady-state equivalent circuit are illustrated in Fig. 18.1. When the converter operates in equilibrium, the model of Fig. 18.1 (b) can be solved to determine the converter losses and efficiency. In the ac-dc case, the input voltage v~ (t) is a rectified sinusoid, and the controller varies the duty cycle d (t) to cause i~ (t) to follow vg (t) according toThe emulated resistance R, is chosen by the controller such that the desired de output voltage is obtained. Ac variations in d (t), v~ (t), and several other system waveforms are not small, and hence 627 R. W. Erickson, Fundamentals of Power Electronics