The term analytic continuation emerges in many branches of Mathematics, Physics, and, more generally, applied Science. Generally speaking, in many situations, given some amount of information that could arise from experimental or numerical measurements, one is interested in extending the domain of such information, to infer the values of some variables which are central for the study of a given problem. For example, focusing on Condensed Matter Physics, state-of-the-art methodologies to study strongly correlated quantum physical systems are able to yield accurate estimations of dynamical correlations in imaginary time. Those functions have to be extended to the whole complex plane, via analytic continuation, in order to infer real-time properties of those physical systems. In this Review, we will present the Genetic Inversion via Falsification of Theories method, which allowed us to compute dynamical properties of strongly interacting quantum many-body systems with very high accuracy.Even though the method arose in the realm of Condensed Matter Physics, it provides a very general framework to face analytic continuation problems that could emerge in several areas of applied Science. Here we provide a pedagogical review that elucidates the approach we have developed.passing Quantum Field Theory, Condensed Matter Physics, as well as image reconstruction and many others.A wide family of physical applications of analytic continuations originate from the celebrated Wick rotation, a mapping between real time and imaginary time:whose importance and usefulness is essentially due to mathematical reasons. For example, in the realm of Quantum Field Theory, the Euclidean space-time approach provides much more well-behaved and well-defined expressions than the formulation in Minkowski spacetime [1]. The relation between the two approaches is an analytic continuation problem. Another central example, which will be the topic of this review, arises in Condensed Matter physics. In this context, the Wick rotation provides a mapping between the quantum mechanical evolution operator and the imaginary-time propagator, or thermal density matrix:whereĤ is the Hamiltonian operator of a quantum system and is Planck's constant. As in Quantum Field Theory, calculations involving the imaginary-time propagator are generally more well-behaved, and there exist extremely accurate techniques to compute imaginary-time correlation functions. In particular, most quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methodologies, which nowadays are crucial for the study of strongly correlated physical systems [2,3], are intrinsically formulated in imaginary time, and yield estimations of correlation functions involving the imaginary-time propagator in Eq.(2). It is thus necessary and, as we will discuss below, very challenging, to perform the analytic continuation necessary to infer real-time properties. Incidentally, we mention another context in which analytic continuation turns out to be extremely useful: the reconstruction of images. Consider, for example, the phase retrie...