The proposed work is an extension of the Standard Model, where we have introduced two anomaly free gauge symmetries i.e. U (1) B−L and U (1) Le−Lµ in an inverse seesaw framework. For this purpose, we have included three right handed neutrinos N iR , three neutral fermions S iL (i = 1, 2, 3) and two scalar singlet bosons (χ 1 , χ 2 ). We get a definite structure for neutrino mass matrix due to the aforementioned gauge symmetries. Thus, our model is able to predict the neutrino oscillation results which are in accordance with the experimental data and mostly supports normal ordering. The outcome comprises of active neutrino mass, mixing angles, mass square differences, CP violating phase etc. We also discuss neutrinoless double beta decay effective mass parameter m ee which gives a strong evidence on the Majorana nature of neutrinos. Its predicted value is found to be well below the current experimental bounds of KamLAND-Zen, CUORE etc. Furthermore, as the extended gauge symmetries are local, hence, are associated with the corresponding gauge bosons i.e. (Z 1 , Z 2 ), which make our model feasible to explain current results of electron and muon (g − 2) through neutral current interactions.