The flow field and the noise radiation of coaxial jet flows with a hot primary stream are investigated numerically by Large-Eddy Simulation and Direct Noise Computation (DNC). The core-stream velocity is subsonic based on local conditions but mostly supersonic with respect to the ambient speed of sound. The flow field and the associated acoustic radiation are analyzed systematically for a range of velocity and temperature ratios between the primary (core) and the secondary (bypass) stream. Strong mixing of cold and hot fluid and the intermittent character of the flow field close to the end of the potential core lead to a pronounced noise radiation at an aft angle of approximately 35 • . The unsteady pressure field within the jet flow is analyzed and radiating contributions are extracted using a Fourier-filtering technique.
NomenclatureMach number Ma p,0 ≡ Ma 0 primary jet Mach number M a p,∞ = w * 0 /a * ∞ ambient Mach number (core) M a s,∞ = w * s /a * ∞ ambient Mach number (bypass) N number of grid points P power spectral density estimate p pressure ∆r, ∆θ, ∆z grid spacings ∆t simulation time step (r, θ, z) cylindrical coordinates R 1,2 primary / secondary jet radius r mic distance of virtual microphonesradial, azimuthal, axial velocity w 0 core-jet velocity z c length of potential core α axial wavenumber κ heat conductivity (ξ, η, ζ) computational coordinates µ dynamic viscosity ω circular frequency φ radiation angle ρ density Subscripts 0 reference quantity at r = z = 0 ∞ ambient conditions cl centerline quantity (r = 0) p primary (core) stream s secondary (bypass) stream rms root-mean-square Superscripts ′′ Favre fluctuation quantity b base flow * dimensional quantityConventions · temporal and azimuthal average