Abstract. We establish the linear stability of an electron equilibrium for an electrostatic and 4 collisionless plasma in interaction with a wall. The equilibrium we focus on is called in plasma 5 physics a Debye sheath. Specifically, we consider a two species (ions and electrons) Vlasov-Poisson-6Ampère system in a bounded and one dimensional geometry. The interaction between the plasma 7 and the wall is modeled by original boundary conditions : On the one hand, ions are absorbed by 8 the wall while electrons are partially re-emited. On the other hand, the electric field at the wall is 9induced by the accumulation of charged particles at the wall. These boundary conditions ensure the 10 compatibility with the Maxwell-Ampère equation. A global existence, uniqueness and stability result 11 for the linearized system is proven. The main difficulty lies in the fact that (due to the absorbing 12 boundary conditions) the equilibrium is a discontinuous function of the particle energy, which results 13 in a linearized system that contains a degenerate transport equation at the border. 14 Key words. plasma wall interaction, Debye sheath, kinetic equations, Vlasov-Poisson-Ampère 15 system, linear stability, degenerate transport equations 16