Abstract-There are well-trodden paths between geometric and wave optics while, with sampling and interpolation, a further bridge to discrete optics is usually traversed. Our previous work points to a Royal road to link the paraxial, metaxial, and global geometric with discrete models, where canonicity becomes unitarity and where phase spaces retain their meaning. This short review maps the terrain that has been traversed.The line of work of the Óptica Matemática projects centres on the applications of group theoretical methods to geometric, wave and discrete (mostly finite) optical models, although it still lies on the fringes of the mainstream applied research in Mexico. We use the fact that when two models exhibit the same underlying symmetry group, a correspondence can be established between them. In this contribution to the monographic Special Issue we give an overview of the common symmetries and distinct realizations in the regimes of geometric and discrete optics.The geometric model of optics assumes "screens" on which a manifold of rays is characterized by their position q and their momentum p (i.e. |p| = n sin θ, with the index of refraction n and angle θ to the screen normal, allowing for p є R 2 in the paraxial régime), which satisfy the basic Poisson brackets {q i , p j } = δ i,j . Optical transformations q → q′(q,p), p → p′(q,p) due to free flight, refracting surfaces, or transit through inhomogeneous media, can only be canonical, i.e., preserve the Poisson brackets [1, ch. 3]. Canonical transformations are reversible and, since no rays are gained nor lost, they conserve information; caustics are not singularities in a phase space. In the linear (paraxial) regime, these transformations form the real symplectic group Sp(2D,R) in D dimensions. Light fields are understood as generally complex functions ϱ(q,p), whose absolute square can represent intensity.The discrete model of optics that we use consists of finite pixelated screens, where each pixel contains a complex value of the discrete wavefunction that forms the image. The pixel address is given by the equally-spaced finite spectrum of a position operator Q, and a momentum operator is defined through P:= i[H,Q], with the Lie bracket (commutator) of the generator H of the FourierKravchuk transform [2] (i.e. of a harmonic oscillatorother models with infinite discrete screens use the * E-mail: bwolf@fis.unam.mx repulsive oscillator or the free system [3-4]). The resulting structure is the unitary Lie algebra su(2) for 1D screens, and su x (2)×su y (2) = so(4) for 2D N x ×N y screens. This Lie algebra exponentiates to the corresponding unitary Lie groups of transformations. An important property of the discrete model is that, when the number and density of pixels increases without bound, it contracts to the common Heisenberg-Weyl algebra and its quantum-mechanical or paraxial wave-optical rendering of operators and wavefields, which in turn come down to the classical or geometric model when the wavelength tends to zero.In 1D, this formalism leads to ...