Abstract. We consider polynomial vector fields of the formwhere Xm = Xm(x, y) and Ym = Ym(x, y) are homogenous polynomials of degree m. It is well-known that X has a center at the origin if and only if X has an analytic first integral of the formwhereThe classical center-focus problem already studied by H. Poincaré consists in distinguishing when the origin of X is either a center or a focus. In this paper we study the inverse center-focus problem. In particular for a given analytic function H defined in a neighborhood of the origin we want to determine the homogenous polynomials X m and Y m in such a way that H is a first integral of X and consequently the origin of X will be a center. Moreover, we study the case whenwhere Υ j is a convenient homogenous polynomial of degree j for j ≥ 1. The solution of the inverse center problem for polynomial differential systems with homogenous nonlinearities, provides a new mechanism to study the center problem, which is equivalent to Liapunov's Theorem and Reeb's criterion.