The existence of non-linearizable isotropic CR-automorphisms of Levi non-degenerate hypersurfaces in complex space is characteristic for quadrics. In this paper we discover elliptic CR-manifolds of CR-dimension and codimension two that are not related to the quadric and that have non-linearizable isotropic automorphisms. This is a new and unexpected phenomenon. A complete description of such manifolds is given.
IntroductionThe interest to invariants and automomorphisms of real submanifolds in complex space goes back to 1907, when Poincaré [35] realized that there are ''more'' hypersurfaces in C 2 than biholomorphic mappings. He asked for a classification of hypersurfaces with respect to holomorphic coordinate changes. This problem was solved by E. Cartan [12] (in 1932 for C 2 ) and by N. Tanaka [44] (in 1967 for C N ) and independently by S. Chern and J. Moser [13] (1974), who obtained a complete description of the invariants of real hypersurfaces. The celebrated papers by Cartan and by Chern and Moser initiated fruitful developments in di¤erent directions including theory of normal forms of CR-manifolds [48], [47], [31], [20], [21], CR-geometry [3], [6], [7], [5], [4], [30], [32], [22]. The theory of invariants of real hypersurfaces is a significant part of the parabolic theory of invariants, which was introduced in 1979 by C. Fe¤erman [24], [2], [10], [9], [37].A natural global CR-invariant with a clear geometric meaning is the automorphism group of the submanifold. Its punctual version is the isotropy group at a given point.Let M be a real submanifold in C N that contains the origin. The isotropy group Aut 0 M is defined as the group of germs of biholomorphic maps f with fð0Þ ¼ 0 and fðMÞ H M. The following theorem provides an upper bound for the dimension of this group.Theorem 0. Let M be a real-analytic, Levi non-degenerate, generic submanifold in C N passing through the origin. Then any isotropic automorphism f A Aut 0 M is uniquely determined by its first and second order derivatives at 0. The research of both authors was supported by Max-Planck-Institut fü r Mathematik Bonn. Brought to you by | Freie Universität Berlin Authenticated Download Date | 7/8/15 6:36 AM This theorem was proved by Chern and Moser for hypersurfaces [13] and by Beloshapka [5] for submanifolds of higher codimension.It turns out that the manifold with maximal isotropy group in the class of manifolds with given Levi-form is the quadricwhere ðz; wÞ are suitable coordinates in the ambient space C nþk and hz; zi is the nondegenerate, vector-valued Levi form. For non-quadratic submanifolds (i.e. submanifolds that are not locally equivalent to the quadric) the dimension may significantly drop.The isotropy group of a hyperquadric has dimension ðn þ 1Þ 2 þ 1. For non-quadratic hypersurfaces this dimension does not exceed n 2 -the dimension of the group of pseudounitary n  n matrices. In this case any isotropic automorphism is uniquely determined by the restriction of its di¤erential to the maximal complex subspace T CR 0 M H T 0 M, i.e. the...