Abstract:The study focused on the gender differential item functioning in Slovak version of the Intelligence Structure Test 2000 -Revised (Amthauer et al., 2011). The sample included 744 middle and high school students with mean age of 16.94 years. The non-parametric method SIBTEST for identification of items with differential functioning was used in order to detect uniform and non-uniform DIF. The analysis showed that the I-S-T 2000 R includes several items with DIF favoring either males or females, but in most subtests, with no or small effect on differences between genders. Substantial but nonsignificant effect of DIF items on subtest score was found for Verbal Analogy, which contained six items with DIF all favoring females. These items included verbal content related to areas more common for females such as diet or food. The results suggest that specific content of verbal intelligence items can be a potential source of gender bias.