Crowdfunding is an innovative concept for a new start-ups seeking financial support for their distinctive and novel projects. Despite their popularity, crowdfunding platforms face several key challenges amongst which is information asymmetry between entrepreneurs and influential backers, where credible information must be disclosed by the founders (entrepreneurs) to the potential "backers" in order to assess the potentiality of the project. In order to fill this gap, we developed and tested a model that examines the signaling interaction between the founder and a potential backer through media and the founders' past success. This model also examines how these two signals (i.e., media and past success) interact so as to mitigate the problem of information asymmetry and to make the project successful. A total of 14,887 projects were extracted from a reward-based platform named Crowdfunder. The data was analyzed by performing Tobit and logistic regression and the model was validated by using the robustness technique. The results strongly mitigate the problem of information asymmetry which improves the rate of success in projects floated on the Crowdfunder platform. We believe that our study will significantly contribute to this nascent yet developing research area by probing for information mechanisms to succeed in crowdfunding.Sustainability 2019, 11, 692 2 of 24 collect a reasonable contribution from a large number of backers. The enormous development of crowdfunding platforms provide a resilient opportunity for sustainable economic development [7]. Despite its popularity, crowdfunding faces several key challenges, one of them being the information asymmetry between founders and influential backers. This is because the project founder has more knowledge of the quality of the product/service while the backers have less information about the intellectual capital and credibility of the project founder [8]. Therefore, the founders must disclose credible information about the value proposition to the potential backers so that they can assess the potentiality of the crowdfunding projects [6]. Belleflamme et al. [9] compared two forms of crowdfunding and discussed the effect of information asymmetry in the choice of crowdfunding form. They concluded that in the presence of information asymmetry, the founders hold more private information related to the product description and quality than the backers. In such a situation, the potential backers prefer to finance the profit-earning scheme rather than pre-ordering so as to protect their financing. Kirmani and Rao [10] found that information asymmetry arose whenever there is a lack of information between the investors and the customers regarding the qualitative attributes of the firm. To alleviate this asymmetric information gap, the potential backers must determine the start-up attributes and the founder's actions that may reflect the prevailing quality of the start-up [11].In crowdfunding, as compared to traditional financial instruments, transactions are mediated on platf...