The advantages of submerged tapping of molten steel from arc steel-melting furnaces are known [1]. Such a method has been used and improved since the start of the 80's.At present the parameters of the steel-tapping assembly, the configuration of the refractories, and their properties have been stabilized [2]. Parts for submerged tapping are mass produced to TU 14-8-463-90 from fixed periclase and graphite with a bakelite binder, pressed at high pressures,and heat treated at 180-200~ As a result the life of elements of the submergedtapping unit was 40-120 heats in 1991 ( Table I).As follows from the results of observations of the service of the refractories in a steel submerged-tapping assembly (Table 1), the linings of the lower and upper portions of the channel, that is, the sleeve and the upper tube, are subjected to the most wear. In connection with this the sleeve may be replaced once or twice during a campaign of the channel or repaired.The character of failure and rate of wear of the parts depend upon their location in the lining of the steel-tapping assembly and the service conditions.Photographs of a sleeve used for 54 heats in a 100-ton arc furnace and of the upper edge of the steel-tapping channel on the side of the working space of the furnace after 47 heats (Fig. 1) confirm the intense wear of the elements of the lining of the submerged-tapping channel in its lower and upper portions.The used parts have a zonal structure with different sizes and degrees of expression of the working zones. Normally the working zone of the tubes and the sleeve is a 2-3 mm thick slagged crust. After it follows a I-3 mm thick zone of increased looseness, after which is observed the least-changed portion of the lining.The crust is impregnated with the components of the slag and iron oxides. For example, the working zone of the used periclase-carbon tubes contains (wt.%) 11.6 MgO, 37.8 CaO, 8.5 SiO2, 1.5 A1203, 35.3 Fe203, 1.8 Cr203, and 0.29 C (Amcale). The loosened zone does not contain reactants introduced from the working space of the furnace but differs from the unchanged portion in a reduced carbon content.Partial burning off of the carbon in the loosened zone as the result of oxygen contained in the atmosphere and the molten steel weakens the bond in the structure of the part and makes the zone weak and easily eroded by the moving metal. This is promoted by the high rate of movement of the metal (3-4 m/see), the rotary movement of the stream, and the high temperatures.In order to follow the influence of hydrodynamic factors on the character of erosion of the steel-tapping channel, it was attempted to simulate the process on a model of the tapping assembly (Fig. 2) using as the elements of the lining a lowtemperature model of periclase-carbon parts made of corundum with a paraffin binder.It was assumed that the paraffin binder may simulate, in heating, the silicate, e.g., montieellite, films between the periclase crystals and other molten material forming components of perielase-carbon parts. Such paraffin films Oust ...